Prison Break
3. Sezon 13. Bölüm
Süre: 44 dk
Prison Break S3 E13
Dizinin Konusu
Prison Break dizisinin 3. sezonunun 13. bölümü "The Art of the Deal" adını taşıyor. Bu Prison Break bölümü Matt Olmstead ile Seth Hoffman tarafından yazıldı ve Nelson McCormick tarafından yönetildi. Dizinin bu bölümünün konusunu orijinal dilinde yani İngilizce olarak aşağıda okuyabilirsiniz:
Prison Break Season 3 Episode 13
The brothers manage to find Whistler and arrange the exchange in a public place, where Scofield has designated for only making sure that L.J. and Sofia are fine. Scofield arranges the exchange to be in a museum. Morgan is forced to remove her weapons in order to enter the museum. L.J. and Whistler are exchanged and Sofia realizes that Whistler is a Company man and decides to go with Lincoln. Having predicted that Morgan has put an operative on every exit, Scofield triggers the alarm and they exit the main door before a shootout ensues between the Company men and the police. Scofield moves to kill Morgan; but his hesitation lets her leave. Sofia is wounded and taken to a hospital. Meanwhile, Bagwell gets money from Lechero's concubine, kills him and the inmates accept him as the new leader. Sucre doesn't break after a long torture and is sent inside Sona. Mahone joins Whistler's plan. Gallego and his father successfully pass the border and join the family. Scofield decides to find and kill Morgan, starting with Whistler's apartment.
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