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My Little Monster
Episode 6

2012 • 24m

Girls Feeling Melancholy

Shizuku realizes that the more she spends thinking about Haru, the more her grades suffer, to the extent where she places 29th in the mock exams. Chizuru struggles with her feelings over Haru and her troubles of being an introvert. She and Haru talk about her inability to make friends. The group tries to plan strategies on how she can be more sociable. Haru and Shizuku then have a fight, which results in Shizuku ignoring him. Chizuru notes how Shizuku doesn't mind being alone. Shizuku explains her reasons for avoiding Haru, which Chizuru then relays to Haru in an outburst, surprising everyone. Haru eventually takes Shizuku on a date to the library, where she says she no longer has feelings for him. Asako, upon learning of their date, becomes sad because of Shizuku's unwillingness to share her experiences.

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